Biodegradable Bags — Why We should Use Them?

Aggarwal Biotech
9 min readDec 15, 2020


Biodegradable Bags — Why we should use them?

If we even start studying the book’s primary level, it will always consist of the term nature. Nature is something from where we originate and something where we will settle down in the end.

Nature is the component where the cycle of everything begins and where this cycle of life begins. Nature is the source that keeps it all going.

We will be able to understand this line clearly in the below context,Humans are a part of nature, and we grow up in this nature, having its green plants as our nutrient source and resources from nature are used by the humans to create by-products and use them and survive using them.

So, nature fulfils all the primary aims of human life

1. Nurturing:-To when we take birth to the time we die; we survive on nature’s resources.

2. Resources:-We extract all our resources from nature and then produce by-products from them, which are later used by us depending on our needs.

3. Back to nature: When we die, then decomposers and scavengers feed on us, making our flesh nutrient to get back to the soil and replenish themselves again.

This is how the basic cycle of life and nature works, which helps in the persistence of nature and humanity.

We know when something is so significant to us, then why are we talking of it specifically now.It’s because now nature is in the most visible and mortal danger, and the biggest threat to them is polythene.

This plastic has been working more in a slow position, slowly making our nature hollow at the very ends and let us remain crippled.

Let us discuss this topic profoundly and inspect the harms that polythene is causing us and what we could do to avoid it.

1.Taking from your daily routine, take that you go to a simple store and bus something. So, it’s evident that now you need a carry bag to keep the respective product in the carry bag. So, the shopkeeper will hand you over with a strong plastic bag, and you will take the products in it to your home and remove all the products, and the polybag will go straight to the dustbin, and from the dustbin, it will cover the distance to the land dumping site where it remains in the soil.

And when it remains in the soil, it will harm the environment in the ways that will be explained later in context.

The same option that will help us overcome this beast of polythene is none other than biodegradable bags. Biodegradable bags are the future of polybags, which will help us overcome these troubles.

Biodegradable bags are the perfect solution to all our problems related to polythenes. Biodegradable bags will quickly disintegrate in nature, causing the least possible pollution.

2.Suppose you buy a plastic toy from market, and then your kid plays with the toy for a week or two, after which the toy gets broken. When it gets broken, you keep it aside, and after being kept for long, you decide to get rid of it. Hence, you throw it in the dustbin from there; it will cover the distance to the land dumping site where it remains in the soil.

And when it remains in the soil, it will harm the environment in the ways that will be explained later in context.

Polythenes are the most significant issue right now in nature as they remain in nature for centuries and keep harming us and wildlife. One of the best ways to replace plastic is the use of biodegradable bags.

If we are looking for a solution to the topic, we can go for soft toys as they are better alternatives and relatively cheap, and also, they won’t give any harmful by-products for nature.

So, prefer using biodegradable bags, too, as they reduce the usage of polythene.

3.Right now in the trend of online shopping, getting the parcels and passing products with the help of delivery has become the new trend, making the use of polythenes extreme. All the products packed in polyethylene to remain unchanged from the physical conditions and efficiently delivered to the destination. Once received, the buyer removes the packing, and then these polythenes go into the dustbin and then cover the distance to the land dumping site where it remains in the soil.

And when it remains in the soil, it will harm the environment in the ways that will be explained later in context.

Polythenes have become so troublesome for us, and they keep troubling us, and we would be under their burden for centuries.

We can use a better alternative than plastics; we can go for biodegradable bags and bioplastic for packing these fantastic articles. We can also make use of biodegradable bags. Biodegradable bags are the safest and most affordable future.

4. Online food delivery is now in trend as it’s quite handy and time-efficient, without travelling to different places for food, make someone else bring it to your door.

Have you ever wondered what happens to those polyethene in which you get that delicious food?

Those polyethene's reach to dustbins, and from the dustbin, they follow the very way all other polyethene's travel.

And when left in the soil, it will harm the environment in the ways that will be explained later in context.

The leftover plastic from food packing is the biggest reason for waterlogging in the pipelines.

To overcome these problems, we need to be careful to use reusable boxes or the best alternative bioplastic, and these boxes should be packed in biodegradable bags.

Biodegradable bags offer us good tensile strength, and also biodegradable bags are cheaper solutions.

5. We discussed what happens to polythenes when dumped in dustbins or the places they want to be dumped.

Let’s think of other possibilities too, when the polythenes weren’t dumped in places they needed to be, and they remained left on the roads or in the sewages. Such blockages lead to a collection of stagnant water, which in turn give rise to numerous diseases.

If the polythenes aren’t thrown in a well way in the correct dustbins, they can be treated well.

We need to take care of this thing very seriously and think that if we forget to throw polythene in the dustbin, it can enter the water body and dig into the ground.

So, we should start using bio-degradable bags because they are essential to saving the environment.

Biodegradable bags are the solution we were seeking for decades, which can be better than biodegradable bags decomposing in nature.

We have been mentioning the term Biodegradable bags all over again, so now let’s understand biodegradable bags.

Biodegradable bags are bags that are made from of cellulose and PLA. A usual instinct question would place up in our mind, so what’s different about a biodegradable bag? Why is a biodegradable bag so essential and should be used?

After being used, Biodegradable bags, when left in the surroundings for so long so with the actions of enzymes these biodegradable bags, disintegrate into the primary starch structures that later decompose. Hence, they even reduce harm to the environment and also helps nature.

Now let us understand why there is a need for biodegradable bags and hazards by polythene, which can be prevented using biodegradable bags.

Causes caused by the use of polythenes


Polythenes are responsible for various types of pollutions.

1. Land Pollution.

If we use biodegradable bags, then they easily break down into simpler components.

2. The pollution by polythene is caused, so it does not allow the easy seepage of water to the water table.

Biodegradable bags easily allow the passage of water as they have porous structures.


Marine creatures and animals unknowingly consume polythenes, which moves their body and kills them.

Biodegradable bags are mostly starch, so it doesn’t harm them.


when polythene and various plastic products are burnt, they become responsible for harmful gases that can cause severe diseases.

Where the biodegradable bags can be moulded in smaller structures.

Burnt polythene produces CO2, sulphur DI-oxide, and many harmful gases that can cause severe diseases when entering the human body.


Polythenes are the main reason for the collection of stagnant water around the pipelines. They choke in drainage and log the water and dirt.

1. Biodegradable bags are the materials that can be broken down into carbon dioxide and simple compounds on decomposition on the action of enzymes and other naturally.

2.Land pollution is also one of the side backs of using polythenes, by staying in the soil for years and not letting the nutrients reach the plants’ roots where the plants can utilize them for nourishment.

3.Polythenes are the reason for the death of a vast number of marine animals, and it is the products that top the waste list responsible for marine loss after petroleum.

Biodegradable bags are the ultimate solution to this problem; they are made up of starch and PLA, which breaks into the simple starch structures after mixing with water for a long time.

We have been taking a lot from nature, and nature has always been kind to us, helping us to take resources we need for growth, each morning providing us with fresh vegetables and fruits that we help us nourish and help the soil increase its growth.

Every morning when you wake up, you see a beautiful sun; even more, you see a bright day waiting for you. Just imagine a day when there is the rustling of the trains. The lands remain silent and covered in deadly silence, no loud noises of the roads’ heavy vehicles. There remains no energy source, all resources in nature are exhausted, and we don’t have any energy authority to think ok.

We hope such a day never comes, so we should stop using polythenes and go green and use Biodegradable bags.


We know that we are always grateful to nature. Using polythenes harms nature and turns it into a wastebasket, which is the biggest threat for the coming generations. They will be witnessing the harmful effects of these polythenes.

So, it’s the point when we must deeply think of preserving nature and taking care of nature. It’s time we must switch to become eco-friendly and switch to the biodegradable, which are a better alternative to plastic products.

These biodegradable products easily breakdown in nature and don’t harm nature nor its inhabitants.

We must switch to using biodegradable bags as they will not harm the environment and also, it takes less energy to manufacture them. Hence, they are efficient as well as quite handy for the alternative.

Our society needs to take this big step to better the people and the betterment of nature itself.

Because if we do not preserve nature now, then there are few chances that it may take millions and trillions of years for such nature to make again for humans’ existence.

If nature wipes off this planet, then it is quite generous, then humans will also lose our existence.

We would be just fable tables, and the fresh air and buckets of freshwater would remain as simple tales to flourish, and they will never be experienced again.

So, it’s time for us to step ahead and save nature.

The min pollution causing product in India is plastic. Plastic remains forever in the soil and thus being harmful to nature. It was essential to ban plastic; otherwise, it would have ruined our planet. Biodegradable bags require only 38% of the energy needed to make other plastic bags. Biodegradable bags that are made with organic matter can significantly reduce the nation’s municipal waste. Instead of being placed in landfills, these plastics bags can be placed in compost heaps. We look for new earth to feel the fresh air splashing our faces.

Aggarwal Biotech comes forward to lead the initiative to provide a better plastic-free future for all of us. Aggarwal Bio-Tech is involved in the manufacture of thermoplastic corn starch (TPS) blend 100% Biodegradable Bags and composting bags and extrusion blown films. It aims in making earth eco-friendly and the best place for the humans to reside.

Come together and stand with Aggarwal Bio-tech leading the production of “Bio-degradable bags.”



Aggarwal Biotech

Aggarwal Biotech Pvt. Ltd. is involved in manufacture of thermoplastic corn starch (TPS) blend bio-degradable and compostable plastic compounds.